
Top Three Reasons Your Connection to the Public Cloud Is Costing You

Hybrid cloud adoption has taken off.  Companies have identified efficiency or compliance requirements that call for integration of on-prem or hosted deployments combined with public cloud technology to manage data and workloads.

However, even with a solid hybrid cloud strategy, many enterprises still have an opportunity to improve the costs, especially in public cloud deployments.   According to the 2018 State of the Cloud Report from Right Scale, “optimizing cloud costs” is the top initiative for 58% of respondents.

That’s why Zayo and Ntirety have teamed up to shed some light on the top three reasons why public internet connections to the public cloud are costly.

Reason #1: Higher Data Egress Fees

Cloud service providers, such as AWS, Azure, and Google, recognize that direct connections are more secure and efficient than public internet connections and therefore reward companies for using direct connections.  Companies without a direct connection to their cloud service providers pay significantly more money in data egress fees. With a direct connection, such as Ntirety Cloud Connect, which is powered by CloudLink by Zayo, companies reduce their data egress fees by about 3x.  This translates into significant cost savings for companies utilizing a direct connection.

Reason #2: Lower Performance

The public internet is the easiest, most available connection protocol companies can utilize to connect to their public cloud, but it is also the lowest performing.  Public internet delivers higher latency times and higher data loading times since communication from many public cloud services share a common link.  Slow moving applications and workloads cost companies big money in the form of lost productivity, lower user satisfaction, and limited availability of key features.  Ntirety Cloud Connect eliminates the risks of slower performance and higher latency from using the public internet to access cloud workloads (Office 365, Salesforce, Google Drive) by offering speeds up to 10Gbps over predictable network routes and an undersubscribed network to provide consistent performance.

Reason #3: Increased Security Risks

Finally, companies utilizing the public internet to connect to their cloud service providers are opening themselves up to the unnecessary security risks that are inherent to the public internet.  Customers transferring data into and out of their public clouds over the public internet expose sensitive customer and user data to potential network hijacking, DDoS attacks, and various other external threats. Ntirety Cloud Connect is a direct, protected solution that eliminates the risks of the public internet ensuring that business’ critical data and workloads migrate to and from the cloud securely. Additionally, this solution meets stringent compliance standards for HIPAA and GDPR sensitive materials.

Though the use of the public internet is convenient for many situations, direct cloud connections are more reliable, more secure and perform better because the flow of data is controlled from end-to-end.  Together, Zayo and Ntirety provide customers with a direct and private connection to cloud service providers, to ensure traffic from a Ntirety data center location does not transverse the public internet to arrive at a public cloud, ultimately resulting in a high availability, more performant customer experience.

Hybrid cloud adoption is here to stay and today’s enterprises have a plethora of public and private cloud connectivity options.  By implementing direct connections, savvy enterprises are able to optimize cloud costs, boost performance, and increase security.

Want to perform a complimentary assessment of your public cloud environment? Contact a Ntirety expert today.