Navigating the Shift: Broadcom’s Acquisition of VMware and What it Means for the Cloud

This article was written by Josh Henderson, CTO & COO of Ntirety

Broadcom recently unveiled plans to phase out the VMware Partner Connect Program, instead choosing to incorporate a select group of partners into its Broadcom Advantage Partner Program. This significant shift impacts numerous VMware resellers and cloud providers, affecting virtually every business that utilizes or manages VMware technology. The acquisition of VMware by Broadcom marks a pivotal moment in the market, potentially reshaping not only VMware’s strategic approach, but the wider cloud ecosystem. This change is particularly noteworthy due to the exclusion of a considerable number of Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and resellers from the program, signaling a new trajectory for VMware — especially in its dominance of the private cloud and presence within AWS. But what does this mean for the multi-cloud landscape, and why is it crucial for businesses aiming to excel in the cloud arena? Let’s delve into the implications. 

Ntirety Invited into the Broadcom Advantage Partner Program

We’re thrilled to announce that Ntirety has been selected to join the Broadcom Advantage Partner Program at the Premier level. This prestigious invitation reflects over two decades of collaboration and highlights our deep commitment to the private and enterprise cloud sectors. As part of this program, Ntirety is positioned to continue supporting our customers with their complex infrastructures and assist new clients navigating the changes in VMware’s licensing structure. 

The New Broadcom Chapter

Broadcom’s acquisition of VMware is a transformative event, signaling a strategic shift in how VMware interacts with the market and particularly its partnership model. By consolidating the number of MSPs and resellers in the program, Broadcom is directing VMware towards a model of direct engagement with clients through only their most trusted partners. The change is significant, and prompts businesses to rethink their strategies for VMware deployments. 

VMware remains a leader in the private cloud market, offering solutions that provide the robustness, flexibility, and scalability needed for efficient private cloud management. Additionally, VMware’s presence on AWS enhances its capabilities, facilitating a hybrid cloud environment that merges public cloud scalability with private cloud security. This combination is vital in a predominantly multi-cloud world, where businesses utilize various cloud platforms to fulfill their diverse requirements. 

A Premier Opportunity for Clients and Select Partners Alike

Broadcom’s decision to reduce the number of active global VMware partners in its program from over 18,000 to only 500 signifies a renewed and more focused commitment to its ecosystem and partners. This move aims to streamline operations and promote collaborative growth and innovation. 

Ntirety’s invitation to become one of the 500 partners with VMware underscores our expertise and dedication to providing advanced solutions to our clients. This partnership equips us to navigate the changes following Broadcom’s acquisition, offering our clients unmatched insights, support, and strategic advantages. 

For clients, the Broadcom Advantage Partner Program introduces a simplified business model centered around a per-core subscription license. This model is designed to encourage broader adoption and deliver clear benefits, reflecting Broadcom’s strategy of fostering a supportive network and cultivating long-term partnerships. 

Implications for the Market

For businesses, this development necessitates a reassessment of their cloud and VMware strategies. Partnering with a Premier Partner is now more crucial than ever, as these partners offer: 

  • Expert Guidance: Understanding the evolving VMware ecosystem is essential. A premier partner provides the expertise required to adapt strategies effectively. 
  • Direct Access: The shift towards direct engagement means that having access to premier support and insights is invaluable, maximizing the utility of VMware solutions. 
  • Strategic Advantage: Seamless integration of VMware into broader cloud strategies offers a competitive edge. A premier partner can ensure this integration, supporting businesses in remaining agile and resilient. 

Moving Forward

Agility and adaptability are paramount for any organization leveraging cloud technology, making the choice of partners not just beneficial but essential. Adapting to the changes brought by Broadcom’s acquisition of VMware and aligning with a premier partner like Ntirety is a strategic imperative for forward-thinking businesses. This approach ensures that enterprises can continue to efficiently leverage VMware’s robust cloud solutions as the technological landscape evolves.

If you’re interested in exploring a transition to Ntirety and how we can support your organization’s cloud needs, we invite you to schedule a consultation with our specialized VMware team. We’re eager to discuss your requirements and offer a comprehensive review.

The Evolving Cloud Landscape: How Private Clouds Are Reshaping the Tech Industry

In the tech world trends come and go, but one constant has been the rapid adoption of cloud computing. For many years the mantra has been “cloud-first,” with public cloud platforms leading the way. However, we’re witnessing a shift in the industry as private cloud solutions are making a comeback, and the future seems to be headed towards a multi-cloud world. This resurgence challenges the dominance of public clouds and prompts us to question whether this is merely the next trend or a strategically sound move.

The Mighty Cloud and the Emergence of Private Computing

Cloud technologies have revolutionized the business landscape, simplified adoption and become an integral part of modern enterprises. Yet, the renewed interest in private cloud solutions introduces a fresh perspective. Organizations and experts are reconsidering private clouds for their strategic advantages in various scenarios, as well as new applications including AI. Let’s delve into the key benefits of private clouds:

1. Cost Predictability

Public cloud platforms offer flexibility, but they often come with unpredictable costs and in some instances wasted spend. In contrast, private clouds offer cost predictability, which enables organizations to allocate resources based on actual needs. This helps prevent unexpected bills for over-provisioned resources, making it a game-changer for businesses looking to optimize their IT budgets or control costs.

2. Data Privacy and Compliance

The resurgence of private clouds is largely driven by the growing emphasis on data privacy and compliance. With data breaches becoming more frequent and regulations like GDPR and HIPAA becoming more stringent, it’s becoming essential for businesses to retain control over their data. Private clouds provide a solution by allowing organizations to maintain data within their infrastructure, or within a dedicated environment hosted by trusted providers. This ensures that sensitive data remains secure and compliant with regulations.

3. Enhanced Security

Security has always been a top concern for businesses, and private clouds provide an additional layer of control in achieving this security. With private clouds, organizations can implement customized security measures and access controls to protect their data and applications. This level of control is particularly appealing to industries where strong security is non-negotiable, such as finance, healthcare, and government.

4. Performance Optimization

Private clouds allow organizations to fine-tune their infrastructure for optimal performance. This is crucial for applications with high performance requirements, such as scientific simulations, video rendering, and financial modeling. Private clouds enable businesses to tailor their infrastructure to meet specific performance needs, ensuring that critical workloads run smoothly.

5. Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Strategies

Many organizations are adopting hybrid and multi-cloud strategies to combine the benefits of public and private clouds. Private clouds play a pivotal role in these strategies, providing a secure and controlled environment for sensitive data and applications, while public clouds offer scalability and flexibility for less critical workloads. This hybrid approach allows businesses to strike a balance between control and agility, as well as balance out costs.

6. Edge Computing

The rise of edge computing, where data processing occurs closer to the source of data, is also driving the resurgence of private clouds. Private cloud infrastructure can be deployed at the edge to support applications requiring low latency and high reliability that are increasingly part of our lives, such as IoT devices, autonomous vehicles, and smart cities.

Embracing the Back-and-Forth Cloud Trend

Private clouds are not relics of the past; they have always been here. The renewed focus on private clouds stems from the evolving economic landscape, rising cloud costs, and the current consequences of past technology decisions. Some industry experts have advocated intelligent cloud adoption and hybrid strategies from the beginning. As businesses incorporate private clouds into their IT strategies, they can enjoy the best of both worlds – the security and control of private infrastructure and the scalability and flexibility of public clouds. Technology continues to evolve, and it’s evident that private clouds have found their place as a valuable asset in the modern IT toolbox.

This article was originally published in Forbes, please follow me on LinkedIn.