
Public Cloud Control: How to Grab It and Where to Go with It

The use of public cloud platforms is soaring. Many organizations are turning to public cloud platforms such as AWS and Azure to manage explosive data growth. They are becoming core components of enterprise networks and in fact:

  • 41% of workloads are run in the public cloud.
  • Azure adoption grew 20% to 34% in 2017.
  • Gartner predicts worldwide public cloud services market to grow by 18% in 2017 to $264.8 billion.

Explosive data growth isn’t the only reason for surging public cloud adoption rates. In a recent survey, a majority of IT leaders reported they believe that public cloud security is better than their own and that it provides the most flexible and cost-effective solution. A public cloud solution also allows IT departments to take advantage of external expertise, innovation and performance.

But with the improvements in agility and performance, also come the complexities and distractions of managing complex infrastructure.

Drawbacks of the Public Cloud

While many cloud adopters cite security as a key driver, many might be surprised that although public cloud solutions offer many benefits, mainstream providers such as AWS and Azure don’t always meet expectations for delivering security, compliance and support.

As cloud technology advances and organizations put more of their workload into the public cloud, they are having a hard time staying abreast of the latest security tools and strategies. AWS and Azure provide organizations with more power and performance, but they lack critical capabilities for safeguarding data with cloud monitoring, security and compliance services while maintaining high availability.

Investing in these elements can be expensive for organizations, and that’s if they already have the expertise at hand. As cloud technology continues to develop rapidly, that expertise is becoming more limited in supply. While training can provide staff the expertise they need, it is both time-consuming and expensive.

Organizations need support resources now to help them manage the public cloud securely. When downtime can cost as much as $7,900 per minute, they also need reassurances that security and performance are as good as promised.

Bridging the Gap with Unified Cloud Hosting

Thanks to Unified Cloud hosting, IT groups can get out from under public cloud deficiencies to maximize performance and security while achieving the freedom to advance innovation. By combining the flexibility and scalability of cloud platforms with industry-leading managed services, a hosted unified cloud provides much-needed resources for bridging the gap by:

  • Managing risks in a fast-changing threat landscape.
  • Maintaining exceptional compliance with less impact on IT.
  • Providing 24/7 monitoring.
  • Ensuring an uninterrupted service for critical business applications.

With unified cloud hosting, IT staff are free from managing compliance, security and infrastructures. They no longer have to worry about the day-to-day state of their cloud environment or finding the expertise necessary to manage it. Instead, they are free to concentrate their time on big-picture IT projects that push their organization forward.

HOSTING provides public cloud management and cloud database services to organizations that choose Unified Cloud Hosting. Contact us to learn how to gain control in the cloud.